Dear Bed,
I sincerely want to know why you can be so cruel when I need you the most. On Monday morning when I have to be up for school you always, and I mean always, decide to become even more comfortable and difficult to leave. I have to be out the door by 9 but you make it hard to rise before then. My alarm goes off and my mind and my body fight one another, stay in bed or get up and go. My body almost always wins and it’s back to bed I go.
I am not intending for this letter to come across negatively. I thank you for those few extra minutes in the morning, but I truly need to make it to class in the morning. So please Bed, save the comfiness for the weekend. It seems I always rise to early then anyway and its the week that I need an early kickstart. So Monday thru Friday please don’t make the bed so toasty in the morning, and don’t let me find that perfect sleeping position.
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